So it's been awhile since I last blogged. I'm blogging now, for if nothing else, to blow off a bit of steam. The last 10 days have been eventful, no so much for me, but for people around me. They've been a bit of any eye opener for me though. First, a lady I work with found out that she has terminal cancer. Her husband just died of cancer, she just retired and was ready to move out to Iowa to enjoy her retirement. But nope, her second to last at work...BAM! you're gonna die. She did hop on a plane, 2 days after brain surgery, 2 days! To live out the rest of her time in Iowa. That was a little over a week or so ago. Then over the course of the past 5 days....5 days!...Two El Camino employees committed suicide. Granted I only knew one of them personally, but good does life get so bad that you're only way to deal with it is to take your own life and make your family suffer even more than they ever will? What I'm going to say may sound cruel, but I don't feel sorry for the two men that killed themselves. I think they're horribly selfish people. I don't care how horrible life is at any given moment, suck it up and DEAL WITH IT! These two guys had good jobs, families that cared for them (granted I know they were both having some sort of family trouble at the time) and were well liked, well respected people on the campus. My heart breaks for their spouses, children, mothers, fathers, etc....Whatever you believe in, God, Buddha, "higher power", mother earth, Ewoks....whatever! Life is a gift given to us each and every day. Life is not a given, it is not a right, it is a gift, period....and you have no right to take that gift and essentially give it back. So that's my rant on that....then lastly, a family friend passed away over the weekend. Also, a good, well liked man, but old, sick and I'm pretty sure he was ready to go. He lived a long happy life and will be missed. So, that's been the extent of my 10 days. It's all played a big part in this "funk" i've been.....but even with all of this negativity, I wake up each and every day and say a little thank you. I have so much gratitude for what I have in my life. I may not have the best car, apartment, job, gadgets, etc....but I have a great wife, a family that loves me, great friends and that's all you need. I'm extremely grateful for all of the things I do have...and you should be too.....OK, thanks for letting blow off some steak....I'm off to stock up on masks to keep myself from getting the swine flu.......