Friday, January 9, 2009

When did 2009 get here?! it's been a month since I've entered the blogosphere....I suppose I should take time to reflect on 2008 yada yada, talk about my ambitions for '09 yada here goes....2008 for the most part had it's ups, but it had way too many downs. It started off bad, literally, 12:01 am 2008 was not a good time for me. It certainly set the tone for the year. This year has definitely started off's still a tad wobbly, but there's room for improvement. Inspired by my dear friend Jose Del, I too am going to take time to rediscover my "old self". I'm falling in love with music again, both writing and listening to it. I plan on completing a musical project I've started with Senor Montegrande that has been years in the making. Other than getting healthier, music is going to be my main focus. That and exploring some future opportunities presented to me by my wife Amy. So, I don't have a whole lot else to talk about right now. I should by the end of the weekend or hell...maybe the end of today. So I'm going to end this entry with a quote I heard from one of my new favorite shows, The Tudors. As soon as I heard this quote I instantly thought that it embodied who I am........

"I don't think anything, but I imagine everything."

Take from that what you will.......stay tuned

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