Monday, January 26, 2009

Vatican 3...part Zwei!

Zwei is German for two just FYI.....So, to those that may care even the slightest, I wrote the lyrics for Vatican 3 about a week ago. I've been in a bit of a lyrical rut as of late so I wrote the lyrics quickly, almost just to get them out of the way. I definitely had a theme in mind and I wanted to stay true to the first two "Vatican"'s. More on those in a minute......I was pretty critical of what I had written because it seemed too simple and a bit amateur-ish but it stayed pretty true to what I wanted to write. Now a week later, I'm very proud of my simple lyrics..."What's the song about?" you ask....well, let me give you a brief run-down of the first two "Vatican"'s.

"Vatican"- This song was written by my first band Studded Infant in 1996. It was a very basic song about a nuclear war and a handful of survivors. Throughout the song they vow to repopulate Earth and restore it to what it was, however slightly more "Utopian". Simple? Yes, Cheesy? Extremely, but we were 16! Cut us some slack. As for the name...the song is quite long and at the time was kinda complex for us to play. So we needed a name to reflect the "bigness" of the song....our guitarist Frank had just returned from a family trip to Italy and more importantly...The Vatican....he kept talking about how big it was so voila! Vatican was born.

"Vatican 2"- This was written by the same band in 1998. The verses have a very secret, yet very funny meaning (wanna know what it's about? Just ask) that seem very serious. The rest of the song is pretty much just documenting the survivors progress at fixing the Earth.

Many attempts were made at writing Vatican 3 over the years, but none stuck until now. So when I sat down to actually write part 3 a couple of months ago I was torn. I wanted to stay with the "end of the world" theme, but at 28 it seemed way too cheesy. It wasn't until last week that a little bit of inspiration hit me. I found a way to incorporate the end of the world and an underlying story. So, in a VERY basic nutshell, I will say this about the theme of the song. It's about one of the survivors from the first "Vatican" breaking his "promise" and failing to save for the underlying theme???? That's for me to know and for you to find out......................................

Sorry for the length of this blog....get used to it though. I quite like talking about my songs and what they're about....until next time!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Excellent! I've always wondered what sparked Vatican in the first place. And of course, I want to know the secret meaning of Vatican 2!